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Arlington Domestic Violence Offenses: Misdemeanor Vs. Felony

The consequences of an Arlington domestic violence charge can impact your life in many ways, as every violation carries a different weight. They walk a thin line between misdemeanors and felonies. Where your case lands significantly shapes your future, and recognizing the legal nuances is vital to protecting your rights.

This article offers insights into the legal penalties for domestic violence in Texas. It highlights the differences between the charges and identifies specific examples within each category. Learn how an Arlington domestic violence lawyer can help minimize the consequences and guide you toward a resolution.

Understanding Domestic Violence Charges In Texas 

Family violence, often referred to as domestic violence, includes acts of harm or threats that occur within specific relationships. Texas law recognizes it as physical abuse, bodily injury, or assaults between family or household members and individuals in a dating relationship. This broad definition covers various connections and situations, making it critical to understand whether a specific incident might fall under these laws.  

The term “family” encompasses those related by marriage or blood, foster children and parents, and individuals who co-parent a child. A household refers to people living under the same roof, regardless of whether they are biologically or legally related. Dating violence, on the other hand, applies to partners who are romantically involved but not married.  

Domestic violence is not limited to any particular demographic. It affects individuals of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. This means that allegations may arise in scenarios people often overlook, such as disputes between roommates or former romantic partners. It’s essential to delve into legal consequences, such as misdemeanor and felony offenses, as the type of charge greatly influences potential penalties.

Misdemeanor Domestic Violence Offenses In Arlington

Some cases involve actions deemed less severe and fall under the category of misdemeanor offenses. These generally include acts of physical contact, threats, or other behavior that cause fear or harm but do not result in serious injury. Misdemeanor charges are categorized into three classifications in Texas, each with varying levels of punishment.

Class A Misdemeanor

Class A is the most severe misdemeanor offense and carries penalties of up to one year in county jail and a fine of up to $4,000. This classification typically applies to assault offenses, which involve intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily harm to a family or household member. For example, a disagreement between spouses leading to a slap with physical pain or visible bruises could result in this charge. 

Class B Misdemeanor

Class B misdemeanor offenses carry penalties of up to 180 days sentence in jail and fines of up to $2,000. Acts like minor threats or provoking physical contact without injury may fall into this category. Harassment, such as sending repeated communications intended to annoy, torment, alarm, abuse, or embarrass another person, generally qualifies for this charge.

Class C Misdemeanor

The least severe misdemeanor class results in a fine of up to $500. This applies to cases where no physical harm occurred, but the actions were deemed offensive or provocative. For instance, poking or pushing someone in the chest during a heated argument can constitute this offense.

Misdemeanor charges often stem from common scenarios in everyday life, as even seemingly minor incidents can escalate into legal trouble. Knowing how misdemeanor offenses are classified and penalized is just one part of the picture. More severe actions may elevate the charges to felonies, which carry harsher consequences.

Felony Domestic Violence Offenses In Arlington

Certain domestic violence cases involve serious harm or aggravating factors that increase the charge to a felony. These offenses carry significantly harsher penalties and long-term consequences due to the involvement of severe physical injuries, weapons, or repeated instances of violence. Generally, domestic violence cases in Texas fall into three felony classifications.

First-Degree Felony

First-degree felony domestic violence is the most serious level of offense. Penalties can result in five to 99 years in prison and fines of up to $10,000. This classification applies to acts like causing serious bodily harm to a family member under aggravated circumstances or using a deadly weapon in the crime. For example, assaulting a partner with a firearm and causing lasting injury could result in this charge.

Second-Degree Felony

Second-degree felonies can result in a prison sentence of two to 20 years and fines as high as $10,000. These offenses typically involve less severe injuries or circumstances than first-degree felonies but still demonstrate significant harm or risk. For instance, breaking a partner’s arm during a violent altercation without the use of a deadly weapon could result in a second-degree felony charge.

Third-Degree Felony

Third-degree felony charges result in penalties of two to 10 years of jail time and fines of up to $10,000. This classification applies to continuous violence against the family, where an individual commits two or more acts of domestic assault within 12 months. Moreover, strangulation (impeding breathing or circulation) during a domestic dispute often leads to a third-degree felony charge.

Felony charges have significant legal consequences and personal impacts, including a lasting criminal record and restrictions on civil rights. Understanding the nuances between felony and misdemeanor offenses is critical for recognizing the factors influencing charge severity and the stakes involved.

Key Differences Between Misdemeanor & Felony Charges

Domestic violence charges in Texas vary significantly depending on the severity of the alleged act. The classification of an offense as a misdemeanor or a felony hinges on several factors. These distinctions determine the legal consequences and the long-term impact on several aspects of your life.  

Injury To The Victim  

The most defining difference lies in the seriousness of the alleged act. A misdemeanor charge might result from an incident causing minor injuries, such as bruising. Felonies require evidence of serious bodily harm, such as lacerations, broken bones, or injuries requiring medical intervention. Texas law emphasizes the severity of offenses that present a serious risk of death or permanent disfigurement.

Use Of Weapons  

The involvement of weapons in domestic violence cases significantly raises the severity of the charges. A misdemeanor offense might occur without any objects used to threaten or harm. Conversely, using or brandishing a deadly weapon, such as a knife or firearm, typically results in felony charges, even if the victim is not physically harmed. Weapons signal an increased intent to inflict harm, warranting harsher penalties.  

Prior Convictions  

The accused’s criminal history also determines whether a case is classified as a misdemeanor or felony. Repeat offenses, even for minor acts, often escalate to felony charges under Texas law. For example, a second conviction that would have otherwise been a Class A misdemeanor can be automatically elevated to a third-degree felony. This escalation aims to deter repeat offenses and protect victims from recurring abuse.  

Knowing the differences between misdemeanors and felonies is critical, but many accused have urgent questions about their rights and next steps. Addressing common questions about domestic violence in Arlington can provide much-needed clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions About Arlington Domestic Violence

Facing domestic violence charges can be confusing and intimidating, especially when you’re unfamiliar with how the legal process works. Many individuals accused of these offenses have similar concerns about the charges, their consequences, and how to protect their rights. Here are answers to common questions that may help you better understand your situation.  

Can A Domestic Violence Charge Be Expunged?  

Expungement is the process of permanently erasing an individual’s criminal record. In Texas, you can expunge certain offenses if the charges are dismissed or you are acquitted. However, domestic violence convictions usually aren’t eligible for expungement. It’s crucial to consult a lawyer to determine your eligibility and guide you through the process.

What Should You Do If Falsely Accused Of Domestic Violence?  

If falsely accused, gather evidence that supports your innocence, such as messages or eyewitness accounts. Avoid any contact with the accuser, as this could complicate your case. Consulting a qualified Arlington domestic violence attorney immediately can help you build a solid defense and safeguard your rights.

How Does A Protective Order Affect A Case?  

A protective order limits your ability to contact the alleged victim or go near specific locations, such as their home or workplace. Violating the order can lead to additional charges, even if the underlying domestic violence case is unresolved. 

Can A Victim Drop Domestic Violence Charges?  

In Texas, the prosecutor decides whether to pursue charges, not the victim. Even if the alleged victim decides to drop the case, the state may proceed without their cooperation based on available evidence. This policy aims to prioritize safety and prevent further harm in volatile situations.

Understanding the answers to these questions is only the beginning. Addressing domestic violence charges requires thorough preparation and skilled legal representation. A trusted Arlington domestic violence law firm can effectively guide you through your case.

The Medlin Law Firm Advocates For Your Rights

Domestic violence charges demand immediate attention. Every moment after an arrest can feel like a ticking clock, with your freedom, reputation, and relationships hanging in the balance. At The Medlin Law Firm, we understand the urgency and pressure of your situation. Our team acts swiftly to assess your case and develop a defense strategy tailored to your needs.

We approach every case with personalized attention, building a defense strategy based on your circumstances. Whether facing a misdemeanor or a felony, our team digs deep into the evidence to uncover inconsistencies and fight for the most favorable outcome. We also guide you through protective orders, address false accusations, and work to minimize the long-term consequences of domestic violence charges.

Our proven track record in these cases reflects our commitment to justice and unwavering client support. At The Medlin Law Firm, we don’t just defend you in court—we stand by you through every step. When you choose us, you’ll have a committed team that advocates for your rights and reputation.


Misdemeanor and felony domestic violence charges in Texas carry serious consequences that can alter every aspect of your life. Misdemeanors involve less severe actions and lighter penalties, but felonies bring harsh repercussions, including lengthy prison sentences and a lasting criminal record. Understanding these distinctions is key to preparing for the challenges and safeguarding your future.

If you’re facing domestic violence charges in Arlington, having skilled legal representation can significantly impact your case. The Medlin Law Firm offers the experience and determination to navigate these charges effectively. Give your case the effective advocacy and strong defense it deserves.

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